What is the neutral stimulus in the office?

What is the neutral stimulus in the office?

The neutral stimulus in this situation is the noise that the computer makes when restarted. At the beginning of Jim’s experiment the sound did nothing to Dwight. To understand this concept of classical conditioning you need to understand the terms neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response.

What is NS neutral stimulus?

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus (NS) is a stimulus that nitially does not evoke a response until it is paired with the unconditioned stimulus. For example, in Pavlov’s experiment the bell was the neutral stimulus, and only produced a response when it was paired with food.

What is the conditioned stimulus in the office clip?

The conditioned stimulus would be the sound of the computer when Jim reboots it and the conditioned response would be Dwight putting his hand out to accept the mint.

What is the neutral stimulus Why?

A neutral stimulus doesn’t trigger any particular response at first, but when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, it can effectively stimulate learning. A good example of a neutral stimulus is a sound or a song. When it is initially presented, the neutral stimulus has no effect on behavior.

What does CR stand for in psychology?

conditioned response (CR): response caused by the conditioned stimulus. conditioned stimulus (CS): stimulus that elicits a response due to its being paired with an unconditioned stimulus. higher-order conditioning: (also, second-order conditioning) using a conditioned stimulus to condition a neutral stimulus.

What does US ur CS CR mean?

unconditioned response
Learning Objectives Review the concepts of classical conditioning, including unconditioned stimulus (US), conditioned stimulus (CS), unconditioned response (UR), and conditioned response (CR).

Can a neutral stimulus also be a conditioned response?

A neutral stimulus is a stimulus which initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention. In classical conditioning, when used together with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus.

What is a neutral stimulus paired with?

5 During the acquisition phase of classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus. As you may recall, an unconditioned stimulus is something that naturally and automatically triggers a response without any learning.

What was Jim’s experiment to Dwight?

Jim performs a conditioning experiment on Dwight involving Altoid breath mints. Whenever his computer reboots, he offers Dwight an Altoid, and Dwight takes one every time. After this occurs a few times, Dwight indicates that he expects an Altoid the next time he hears the sound of Jim’s computer rebooting.

What does the abbreviation CR stand for?

Acronym Definition
CR Credit Rating
CR Chromium
CR Conference Room
CR Code Review

Which is an example of a neutral stimulus?

A Neutral Stimulus is a stimulus that produces no response other than catching your attention. For example, let’s say you have to bring your child to the pediatrician for a shot. Prior to the shot, the pediatrician presses a buzzer to call her assistant to come in and help her administer the vaccine.

How are neutral stimuli used in classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, a neutral stimulus is presented immediately before an unconditioned stimulus. Pavlov would sound a tone (like ringing a bell) and then give the dogs the meat powder ( Figure ). The tone was the neutral stimulus (NS), which is a stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response.

Why is the sound of the buzzer a neutral stimulus?

In this case, the sound of the buzzer is the neutral stimulus because it doesn’t produce any response from the child, but the child does notice it. Each time your child goes to the pediatrician to get a shot, the doctor presses the buzzer before the shot. Now, every time your child hears the buzzer, she cries.

Which is an unconditioned response of a stimulus?

The meat powder in this situation was an unconditioned stimulus (UCS): a stimulus that elicits a reflexive response in an organism. The dogs’ salivation was an unconditioned response (UCR): a natural (unlearned) reaction to a given stimulus. Before conditioning, think of the dogs’ stimulus and response like this:

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