How do you shave a softball bat?

How do you shave a softball bat?

Bat Shaving

  1. Bat shaving is when the end cap is removed from the bat and with the use of a digital lathe or drill, a layer of composite material from the interior walls is shaved down.
  2. This process decreases the thickness of the walls, increasing the trampoline effect.

Are shaved softball bats legal?

Bat shaving is illegal in all baseball and softball associations. They all consider this to be altering a bat. The reason for this is once a bat is shaved the associations’ distance restrictions on bats is no longer within limits.

How can you tell if a bat is shaved?

The most obvious way to tell if a bat has been shaved is to open the top end cap and look inside. This is because a bat will be shaved along the inside wall of the barrel and the only way to tell if this has happened is to look on the inside of the bat.

Does rolling a bat really work?

Many bat rolling companies advertise that they use “Heat Rolling”. We have done extensive testing rolling bats after heating them and found that it actually is counterproductive to breaking in the bat. The heat temporarily stretches out the bat’s fibers so that when you roll it you are not accomplishing any break in.

What is a shaved bat in softball?

Bat shaving is a process that involves removing the end cap and thinning out the inner walls of the bat to increase the trampoline effect that happens when a ball hits it. When a bat is shaved it should always be rolled first to eliminate any need for break in time.

Do batting cage balls damage composite bats?

An alloy bat is game ready the day you buy it. However, composite bats need to be broken in to reach their maximum potential. Never break in your bat in a cage that uses yellow dimpled balls. Yellow dimpled balls are very dense and can damage your bat and decrease its lifespan.

Why are some softball bats illegal?

Bats that are broken, altered or that deface the ball are illegal. Materials inside the bat or treatments/devices used to alter the bat specifications and/or enhance performance (e.g., shaving, rolling or artificially warming the bat barrel) are prohibited and render the bat illegal.

Is the Easton ghost bat illegal?

The 30 inch, 20 ounces Ghost is illegal to use in all the leagues that have adopted the USA Baseball regulations; AABC, Babe Ruth, Cal Ripken, Dixie Youth, Little League, and PONY Baseball.

What is an illegal bat for softball?

Why Is bat Rolling Illegal?

This is done for the safety of the players on the field. There are other bat rolling processes, however, they cause the bat to be illegal for play. Bat shaving is an example of one of these processes that will alter your bat performance, causing your bat to be way too hot for play.

Is bat shaving legal?

Yes, bat shaving is illegal. Every league or sanction has something written about altering a bat; which is considered bat shaving.

How do you shave a bat?

Shaving Your Bat Gain access to a lathe. To properly shave a bat, you will need to either know someone who owns a lathe or have access to one yourself. Remove the end cap of your bat. The end cap of the bat will need to be removed before it can be properly inserted into the lathe. Use the lathe to shave the bat.

What is a shaved bat?

Bat shaving is the process of removing the bat’s end cap and thinning out the inner walls in order to increase the trampoline effect. Shaving a bat shortens a bat’s life, because you’re making the walls of the bat, which help create durability, thinner.

What is bat shaving?

Bat Shaving. Bat shaving is a process that involves removing the end cap and thinning out the inner walls of the bat to increase the trampoline effect that happens when a ball hits it.

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