What are some excuses for not answering the phone?

What are some excuses for not answering the phone?

I had painful cramps, couldn’t answer the call. If you and the caller are females, explain that you had terrible cramps and could not answer the call. If you’re a teenager and you excused to leave school early without informing your parents, use this as an excuse for not answering their calls.

What do you do if you can’t contact someone?

Sometimes the stress might be overwhelming and it is alright to ask for help as well. If you think your friend is hurt, or in an emergency call the non-emergency police or 911 depending on the situation. You can ask them to check on the friend and see if they are alright, and this will put your mind at ease.

How do I video chat on my Phone?

How To Use Android’s Built-in Video Calling

  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Select the contact you wish to call.
  3. Tap the video icon underneath the contact’s name to begin a video call.
  4. Wait for your contact to answer. If your contact’s phone doesn’t support video chat, you’ll automatically be switched to an audio call.

What do you say when someone picks up their phone?

Greeting. When you pick up the phone, begin by offering your greeting of choice. “Hello” is always a polite option, as is “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon.” Confirm who you are (“This is Amanda”) and the identity of the person calling (“To whom am I speaking?”) so that all parties begin the call on the same page.

What’s the best excuse to get off the phone?

However, with all things considered, this is precisely why this excuse is one of the best excuses you can use to get off the phone easily. Furthermore, if they do decide to call you shortly after you can simply call them later because your original excuse still stands “I’m losing service”.

What’s the best excuse to not answer a text message?

And god forbid you try to say, like, you know, you have a LIFE and other things to do. That just don’t fly. So you have to come up with some lame excuse. Here are 20 excuses you can use to not answer someone’s text message.

What’s the weirdest excuse people have used to get out?

These are some of the most craziest/hilarious excuses people have used that I have found. 1. “I promised to help Ashley clean the toilet at the same time. She doesn’t like doing it alone; she gets nervous that she will fall in! Some kind of toilet phobia (a weird name I can’t remember for some reason…)” 2.

Is it okay to ignore a phone call?

Unfortunately, most people are unable to stop themselves from answering calls. An overwhelming guilt sweeps over them if they dare ignore a call. It is okay if you do not answer people’s phone calls. Believe this statement and let it give you validation for all the calls you never answered in the past.

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